Classic Transformer Themed Birthday Party

Classic Transformer Themed Birthday Party Tablescape

This transformer theme party is definitely the one to rememeber! Being a transformer fan myself, I must say this makes you feel like you are in the autobot world. This black, yellow, red and blue color scheme transformer party was styled and photographed by Carol of Partylicious. Another great party by Carol. My favorites features are:

  • Transformer theme background
  • Transformer logo black and white swirl lollipop can
  • Bumblebee cake
  • Silver favor boxes with a bumblebee tag
  • Treats including cake pops, brownies, pastries, cupcakes and lollipops
amazing transformer party banner Classic Transformer background optimus prime and Bumblebee background tinned can with black swirl lollie pops Transformer Bumblebee birthday cake transformer party centerpieces transformer party favor boxes Transformer party tablescape transformer party Transformer Themed Birthday Party sweets transformer water bottle labels welcome autobots sign
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