Using a fantastic gender neutral yellow and white color arrangement, this Giraffe Baby Shower by Pocket Full of Parties was a vibrantly decorated celebration to remember! Each part of the venue was beautifully arranged to make it easy to access all the space while ensuring that the theme was blended throughout wonderfully.
The snack table was a fantastic Giraffe adventure with each item emphasizing the awesomeness of this creature perfectly. The backdrop was very bold, a brilliant yellow cloth that draped the entire length of the table was a great base for the pinwheels, flag banners and giraffe that popped out from it. The flag banners were yellow and white, with a variety of patterns to add a neat effect. The pinwheels and giraffe were white, ensuring that they would stand out.
Awesome wooden stands were painted yellow and used to showcase some of the tasty options available for guests to munch on. The table itself was covered in white, ensuring that the bright yellow colors and patterns of the various treats and trays would shine dramatically. A unique wired basket held the awesome thank you gifts of animal crackers for those would could attend the fun event.
A fantastic white and yellow, polka-dot runner was laid down the length of the table. In order to bring a touch of the outdoors in, gorgeous displays of flowers were put together, offering a sweet scent and more of the fun theme colors. For easy disposal, paper plates and napkins were provided, with a neat giraffe pattern.
A nice spread of snacks was available to eat including yellow macarons that were on a cute white tray. Rice krispy treats, cupcakes and even shrimp was provided to give a helpful range of options. Each snack was labelled, so everyone knew what deliciousness they were trying out.
Credits – Candice of Pocket Full of Parties