Spring Baby Sprinkle Shower

As a fantastic interior designer, Paige from Paiges of Styles, used her special eye for detail to create a wonderful one-in-a-lifetime event at this Spring Baby Sprinkle shower. With a blend of innovation and creativity, she created a cost-friendly party that any mom-to-be could enjoy.

Because the gender of the baby was going to be a surprise, for this event Paige wanted to use a variety of lovely colors that could go either way, but incorporated some pink in celebration of Mom, who the party was for, of course!

sprinkle baby shower dessert table decorations

One wonderful dessert that she created was a mini-pie in a mason jar. The pies had various yummy berries and the jars she chose were absolutely perfect for this shower. To personalize them she added neat little labels that guests were sure to love.

The party was indoors but with a fun display of sod, in which the various treats and decorations were placed on, nature was really a focal point of the event, bringing a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere to the forefront.

A favorite touch that I saw were these fantastic little cupcakes that were frosted in a delicate pink, the tiered tray they were on was superb. A vintage wonder, this tray was draped with clear jewels that really gave an elegant feel.

The cake was a unique work of art that really reflected the parties theme as four rainbow layers of delight. With frosting between each layer this cake was sure to taste as delicious as it looked. The tray it was set on was a soft green that embraced this spring time fun.

And what party is complete without a tray of perfectly stacked donuts? This pyramid was adorned in lovely flowers from Sweet Petal Bakery. They really made this tasty treat a fun work of art as well. With such attention to every detail, this party was a hit.

Credits –

Paiges of Style

Printables – Paiges of Style

Umbrella – amazon

Floral shower curtain – Target

Wafer Paper Flowers - Sweet Petal Bakery



bird cage cake cookies decors drink bar food 2 food 3 food 4 food 5 food table baby sprinkle shower food macarons spring baby sprinkle pie spring baby sprinkle shower

spring baby sprinkle sprinkle baby shower cupcakes sprinkle baby shower dessert table sprinkle baby shower treats umbrella decor water bottle


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