This Black and White gender reveal party brought bold and elegant patterns and colors together in a unique blend that guests were sure to enjoy. Styled by Jenna of Jenna Tragenza Parties, and photographed by HRM Photography, this event utilized the positive aspects of contrasting color palettes.
Jenna used a concept that was central to cinematography, blending black and white together with a bold blue and pink that was sure to draw attention. With a variety of patterns used like chevron, this event had a sophistication and elegance that Mom-to-be was looking for.
There was an adorable chalkboard set-up giving guests the time of unveiling what the precious baby was going to be, creating a fun and inviting way to keep the visitors updated.
The decorations were fantastic at this party, every detail was worked out, including this chevron and balloon décor that drew the eye with the brilliant layout.
The treats were yummy looking at the party, with a wide range of options from cupcakes topped in sweet yellow to chocolate cookies that oozed delicious frosting. There were sprinkled sugar stars that had a variety of colors, making the table pop.
One fabulously executed idea was the guest gifts, tiny gingerbread cookie babies. They were dressed in adorable little diapers and each had either a pink or a blue pacifier, really creating a fun and creative touch. Wrapped up individually and tied with a bow, there was a sign place with these lovely treats informing the guests of when they had been born.
Even the drinks oozed deliciousness and fun with tiny cups and brilliant chevron printed straws. With bags of popcorn in black and white chevron printed bags, this event was completely decorated from top to bottom. This gender-reveal event was sure to bring joy and entertainment with a film telling everyone what Mom-to-be was expecting.
Credits –
Heather MacEachern of HRM Photography Inc.
Jenna Treganza Parties